Within a month the deadline for the CAF-Elhuyar awards ends
2020/01/07 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
It is an award aimed at all scientists, journalists and creators, whether or not scientific, as well as promoting gender equality in the scientific-technological field.
The categories of the prize are:
Original divulgation articles. It is divided into two subcategories: general dissemination articles and dissemination articles based on the author's doctoral thesis. The winner of each subcategory will receive a prize of 2,000 euros, one year subscription to Elhuyar magazine and a sculpture by Imanol Andonegi Mendizabal.
Works of scientific journalism. With 2.000 euros, a year of subscription to the magazine Elhuyar and awarded with sculpture.
Fellowship of creation in Science Society. In this category, projects that work on the interaction between science/technology and society are supported. The author of the selected project receives a grant of 5,000 euros for its execution, as well as a sculpture.
In addition, this year will also be awarded the special prize NEIKER to the best article related to the primary sector, endowed with 2,000 euros and compatible with other awards.
The bases and the way to send the works are available in the direction cafelhuyarsariak.elhuyar.eus, as well as the awarded works in previous editions.

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