
Having found the cause of rapeseed oil syndrome

2001/09/21 Imaz Amiano, Eneko - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Twenty years ago, about 20,000 people became ill from consuming contaminated rapeseed oil, of which 300-400 died. About 17,000 people remain ill. It was called rapeseed oil syndrome and one of the problems of litigation was knowing which agent or component caused the disease.

The researchers were able to determine that the syndrome was caused by the industrial rapeseed oil sold on the street as olive oil. But it has never been known exactly what chemical component caused the disease. Rapeseed oil was found to be contaminated with aniline, but the symptoms patients suffered on the skin and muscles do not match those that produce aniline poisonings. Therefore, researchers have been looking for the component that would explain the symptoms for years. Now it seems that the team of Margarita Ladona, of the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona, has discovered the alleged culprit.

When the body breaks the aniline derivatives it forms 3-(phenylamino)propane-1,2-diol (PAP). The injection of PAP into mice produces a deterioration of acetaminophen and a very similar 4-amonifenol.

However, these two substances would not appear if PAP was previously transformed into short-lived but potentially toxic quinonamines. And this can be the chemical issue that has caused so many deaths.

Quininaimins would have occurred in venous skin cells that go to the organs, in which an inflammation would have occurred and that would have taken advantage of the body's immune system that is part of the syndrome to extend the aggression to the whole body. Quininamine may have the same toxicity as acetaminophen in the liver, but in rapeseed oil syndrome toxicity extends to the superficial cells of the arteries and veins throughout the body.

Researchers found earlier this year that some patients have defective genes that may be involved in the deterioration of these substances. Relatives of the sick do not have to be that gene, which would explain why not all members of the same family who consumed the same oil did not get sick.

The discovery can be an important contribution and now, among other things, the scientific literature must be reviewed to know exactly the toxicity of quinonamines.

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