
Turiasaurius riodevensis, the largest in Europe

2007/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Turiasaurius riodevensis, the largest in Europe
01/02/2007 | Elhuyar

In May 2003, paleontologists discovered the fossil bones of a gigantic sauropod, Riodevan de Teruel. Recently it has been released in the journal Science and has been revealed as the largest dinosaur in Europe, with 35 meters long and 45 tons of weight.

To date no dinosaurs of the same species have been found, so it is a new species called Turiasaurius riodevensis. He lived 145 million years ago, with four legs, long hills and tails and herbivores.

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