
Safe quantum communication in microwave frequency range

2019/06/19 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Illustration of the developed protocol, preparing a quantum state through remote control. Walther-Mei Institute

Within the European project Quantum Flagship, in an experiment they have developed a protocol to prepare a quantum state remotely. The particularity of this protocol is that communication is performed in the frequency range of microwaves, which is the frequency with which all quantum computers work. Research has shown for the first time that communication can also be done in this frequency range, which can mean a revolution in the fields of safe quantum communication and quantum radars that act in microwaves in the coming years, explains the project's lead researcher, Mikel Sanz Ruiz (UPV's Physical Chemistry Department).

The phenomenon of quantum entanglement is based on the remote preparation of quantum states: the clusters of complicated particles lose their individuality and act as a single entity, although separated in space. “Therefore, if two computers have this quantum correlation, operating on one of them, you can influence the other. That’s how you can make quantum communications totally secure,” says Sanz.

It has been a conceptual test, that is, a first step in knowing that we can continue to develop this technology. "We believe that this first step has been very important and that it can be a revolution in the next decade," he said.The study has been published in the journal Nature Communications.


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