
Disintegration of the Higgs boson shows fermions

2014/06/25 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

When the HIggs bosons disintegrate they have discovered that it produces fermions directly. Ed. CERN

Two years after the existence of the Higgs boson was demonstrated, CERN researchers have provided data on its characteristics in an article published in the journal Nature Physics. In particular, they stressed that the disintegration of the Higgs boson directly generates fermios, which corresponds to what is foreseen in the theory of the standard model.

Fermions are elementary particles that form matter and bosons are particles that give strength to the fermies. The standard particle physics model provides that the interaction force between the fermies and the Higgs boson should depend on their mass. Well, in the words of Vincenzo Chiochia, of the University of Zurich, who has participated in the research, “this forecast has been confirmed, is a good sign that the particle found in 2012 really plays like the theoretically proposed Higgs”.

These conclusions have been drawn from the analysis of the data collected in the LHC 2011-2012. On the other hand, it has recently been announced that the preparation of the LHC for its reactivation in 2015 has already begun. And because of the work of adjustment and maintenance it takes a year and a half stopped.

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