
Quitting: As Hard as Healthy

1999/02/21 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

According to the World Health Organization, tobacco will be the leading cause of global mortality by 2020.

Despite the pleasure, tobacco only causes damage, breaks the pocket and deteriorates health. For this reason, aid systems have been regularly launched for people who are repeatedly engaged in quitting tobacco, perhaps the most widespread is nicotine?partxena. However, it does not seem that the number of former smokers has increased using a single system, so -as in other diseases - experts start recommending system cocktails to quit smoking.

According to a long study in Iceland, the simultaneous use of nicotine patches and nicotine nasal inhalants increases the chances of quitting smoking. The research was conducted with 237 therapeutic smokers to quit smoking and has been followed for 6 years. Smokers were divided into two groups: those in one group were given the patch and nasal inhaler, while those in another were only given the patch. At 6 months after the start of therapy, 51% of the first group continued without smoking and 33% of the second group. In six years, the proportions were very similar, of course in favor of the cocktail.

Quitting smoking certainly reports health benefits, but care must be taken because any system is unreliable. For example, a group of researchers in Vienna has noted that grass cigarettes used to quit tobacco can pose a health risk. The concentration of carbon monoxide seems too high.

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