
Amphibians anywhere

1998/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Over the years, the decline of amphibians has in common with scientists from all over the world. A few years ago this general decadence was observed, but there is still no clear or precise explanation. This decline has been attributed to the weakening of the ozone layer, viruses and chemicals.

J. R. R. Aihartza.

Recently, a Swiss research has contributed new data to the problem. The fungicides used in agriculture have been analyzing the damage they cause to the cups and the results have not been negligible. For example, it has been shown that triphenyltin, widely used in many fungicides, in different species of frog, produces deformations and death. In many cases, concentrations lower than usual in agricultural land are also harmful.

Triphenyltin is used for pest control in all types of crops. As a result, the surrounding waters are also contaminated, in some cases directly, in the rice fields, or indirectly, since the irrigation systems receive residues of this chemical compound. It breaks down slowly in the water and has been shown to be very toxic to the inhabitants of the area.

In any case, this research would explain the local decline of amphibians, but not the disaster that is occurring globally.

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