
Stardust comets unexpected origin

2006/12/18 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

The Stardust mission aimed to bring the dust of a comet to Earth and through it to know the origin of this comet, the comet Wild 2. The mission has been a success: In 2004 the Stardust probe collected dust particles from the comet and returned to Earth in January 2006.

Now, NASA experts analyze the probe's input and receive a surprise. They believed that the comet was born outside our solar system, before the solar system itself occurred. But the comet dust says something else. The first doubts arose when the dust began to be analyzed, and now it can be said that most of the comet has occurred in the Sun, just when it was forming.

In the face of this discovery, experts have been stunned, since the discovery does not conform to the theories and models of creation of the solar system.