
Earth view under the feet

2008/08/04 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia

What is seen above is the Earth, without cities, without forests and without soil; as the participants in the OneGeology project have pointed out, nude. Only rocks. The objective of the project is to collect geological maps of the entire Earth, which within a period of one year seems to have advanced quite a lot. This project, promoted by the United Nations in the framework of the International Year of the Earth that we celebrate this year, is participating 79 States to highlight local and global geology.

All geological maps are being compiled on the http://portal.onegeology.org/ website so they can be viewed by anyone. At the moment you can see the data of 29 states.

Their promoters expect this type of maps, both to capture and share knowledge and to locate resources, to advance strongly.

Image: Image: OneGeology

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