
Frogs have a special system for removing foreign objects

2010/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Frogs have a special system for removing foreign objects
01/02/2010 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Bignoter)

The objects they have in the cavities of the body are able to absorb the bladder and remove them with urine

Researchers at Charles Darwin University in Australia have found that tree frogs are capable of transferring objects they have in cavities (thorns, insects...) and of expelling it along with urine. This explains how they are able to eat whole insects and live in thorn forests.

In addition, the news is interesting for researchers who carry out field studies. And it is that, often, they put small frogs transmitters to keep track of. And it has happened to them that the transmitters placed in the stomach, for example, appear on the floor a few months later. Precisely, after a case of this type, researchers at Charles Darwin University decided to study frogs in the laboratory. And then they discovered the system using tree frogs.

Although not through the bladder, other species also have similar systems to expel foreign objects. For example, some snakes and fish absorb objects from the body into the intestine and excrete them along with stools.

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