
How to know before which road will the lava of the volcano take?

2002/03/13 Elhuyar Zientzia

How to know where the risk comes from? This is one of the main concerns of all vulcanologists. Well, in addition to predicting where and when eruptions will occur at the University of New York, a new technology is being developed that announces where lava will pass.

For this purpose, mathematical models, geological simulations, scientific calculations and imaginary reality have been used. Currently, three-dimensional models of three active volcanoes are being developed in Mexico. Among them are the Pico de Orizaba, the highest in North America, and Popopocatepetl. Pocatepetl is located 483 kilometers from the Mexican capital and is currently throwing smoke and ashes. The realization of simulations through this new technology would allow detecting dangerous areas around them.

Scientists say that this technology can be used for any other volcano in the world, and is expected to be models of all volcanoes in the world in the future. In addition, they intend to create an Internet portal that offers timely information, so that people know what risks they may have.

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