
All the nuclear explosions in the world in a video

2010/07/15 Aulestiarte Lete, Izaro - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Click on the image to watch the video

In this animation, the Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has collected all the nuclear tests of world explosion carried out between 1945 and 1998. They have been a total of 2,053, and although the same figure is representative, it is even more striking to see them and listen to them one after another.

The video lasts fourteen and a half minutes and each second represents a month (represented by the sound of the metronome). On the upper right is the year and month of the explosion. Hashimoto has also reflected the explosions of each country through different sounds.

Image courtesy of: Isao Hashimoto.

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