
Before pain we are not all equal

1997/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Although it was thought otherwise, pain does not shake us all equally. Recent studies have confirmed that pain sensations may be different between women and men. A group of researchers from California have shown that some painkillers have more and more influence on women than men. Thus things have concluded that the physiology of pain distinguishes between sexes.

Some painkillers have more and more effect on women than men.

The research has been conducted in the Department of Medicine at the University of California. During the study of the effects of painkiller cappa-opioids, a prolonged effect was detected in women. Then began a more specific study, analyzing the behavior of 20 men and 28 women. The conclusion was total: the effect of the analgesic was longer in women.

Research will continue in the coming months. The work of these researchers has generated a great stir in the US. and has begun to analyze other factors related to pain physiology. It is considered that the results obtained from this pathway will facilitate in the future more specific treatments for each patient.

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