
Moment of the first beat

2000/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The moment when the heart forms and gives the first beat is special and common for all species and researchers at the University of California have managed to observe this moment. The base heart consists of two ducts located on both sides of the embryo. At a given time the tubes are joined under the orders of the exact molecule and the beats begin.

The observation has been carried out in the embryo of a species of transparent fish and, apparently, both pipes are joined due to the well-known molecule SP1. This molecule plays an important role in reproducing, keeping them alive and healing wounds.

However, their work of heart formation has surprised researchers. So far, only proteins have been detected in the formation of the heart. The SP1 molecule belongs to the lipid group. How then is such an important work in the development of the embryo? According to the researchers, the key may be in the cell association capacity of the lipid SP1. However, the SP1 molecule is present in all types of organisms, such as humans and vegetables.

Researchers have known it for a long time and it seems that living beings have used it since ancient times.

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