
General map of plant diversity

2007/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

General map of plant diversity
01/06/2007 | Elhuyar
(Photo: From archive)

Two groups of biologists, one from the United States and one from Germany, have gathered to investigate the global distribution of plant diversity. Based on the count of plant species and environmental data, they have elaborated a map of diversity.

This work has several objectives. On the one hand, they want to analyze the diversity of unexplored vegetation. In addition, they intend to identify those territories that require conservation campaigns from a vegetable point of view. And finally, they want to understand why diversity is so great in the tropics; it is clear that there are many more species in the tropics than in other latitudes, but biologists do not know why.

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