
Stars at the end in the black hole

1994/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

What happens when the star ends its life and bursts into sopernova? So far it has been considered that the evolution of the stars occurs as follows: by burning all the energy the original star, contracts for its weight, expels part of its matter to the outside and concentrates in its center the dense ball of neutron.

However, according to University of Wisconsin scientist Philip Carinhas, the process is not so simple. According to Carini, the core of the star continues to contract and quarks (the last components of matter and in turn neutrons) are released. The mixture of neutrons and quarks can form overlapping layers inside the star. In this way another category of stars could be given, that is, between the classic neutron star and the black hole.

In 1987 a mathematical discovery was made for the case that a supermobile explodes and lacks the pulnet, hence the star becomes a black hole is simply an equation. Now theorists try to find it.

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