
Lunar meteorites and appearance of life

2000/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A group of scientists at the University of Berkeley has studied the surface impact craters of the Moon and concluded that meteorite activity has cyclical levels throughout history. Coinciding with these cycles of action with the main biological episodes of the Earth, researchers consider that the degree of meteorite bombardment and the development of life are related. According to meteorites that fell to the Moon, 3.5 billion years ago the Solar System suffered a great meteorological activity, mainly composed of large comets and asteroids. It was at that time that life appeared on Earth, and they are the oldest known remains of life. P. Paul According to geophysics Renne, these objects from interstellar space brought to Earth organic molecules necessary to create life.

500 million years ago began a cycle of great activity that has lasted until today. The beginning of the cycle coincides with the explosion of life in Kambriar and consists mainly of small objects. According to scientists, interstellar dust contains water, amino acids and other organic molecules, allowing a constant transformation and diversity of life and, consequently, its development. We believe that colliding with extraterrestrial objects is a catastrophe, but according to this research, the shocks that have occurred throughout history have been beneficial for the development of life, at least until today.

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