
Strategy of Worm

2001/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The worms have a special way to defend the house. With the gag to scare away the approaching strangers perform strong vibrations. When two worms fight each other, they can touch a complete symphony with the sounds they produce.

The researchers have observed these specific behaviors in the species of sand Drepana arcuata. According to studies from a group of biologists at the University of Illinois, worms have territorial behaviors similar to vertebrates. And this has been surprising, since it was not expected in these simple organisms.

Unexpectedly they find this very particular behavior. A researcher had two larvae in his house on a leaf and one night heard a strange sound coming from the worms.

The laboratory began to experiment with worms and thus have seen that worms use gag to protect and fight their silk nest, and that the strong vibrations they perform produce easily audible sounds.

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