
Construction of the space station advances

2000/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The first phases of construction of the International Space Station are progressing little by little. In mid-July the Russian rocket Proton launched the Zvezda module from the Baiconur cosmodrome and has already joined the modules of Zorya and Unity. Zvezda is the most important module of the space station and will establish the basic conditions for the operation of the station, such as air, water, air conditioning, electricity and food. The astronaut rooms and exercise rooms will also be located in this module.

Zvezda (star in Russian) has been launched into Earth's orbit two months later, due to the technical problems with the launchers in Proton. After the last mission of pitcher Atlantis, the space station has been prepared to have crew and, if all goes well, in November, the first crew, under the orders of William Sheperd, will depart on board.

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