
Christmas Bunting

1998/12/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Man is nothing more than a poor monkey slave to his traditions, as the prestigious English zoologist Desmond Morris said. And this phrase, even if it seems hard, will become a rounded truth on the following holidays: each of us will spend more than 10,000 pesetas on average on food and drink.

How can we define one of those so common “binges” these days? Doctors attribute the name of exaggerated compulsive mouth to this type of person: for a certain period of time, the person is going to carry out a series of binges, even though he often considers them abnormal, and in other cases they are considered uncontrollable. It seems like a joke of bad taste to comment binge eating in other places of the world when many people are starving, or when pathologies such as bulimia or anorexia have become increasingly common, but everything points out that the only remedy against these Christmas binge eating is less.

Throughout human evolution, the digestive system has evolved dramatically and is able to support up to four times more calories than it needs. On the other hand, the capacity of dilation or dilation of the stomach is enormous, since in a trap of them passes a kilo (or even more) of food through the stomach.

From Christmas day until the King passes, there are many lunches and dinners that come out of the ordinary and pass through the border. And with them what? If we mediate the disease, because otherwise, the consequences will come there, to the fullest: bad digestion, stomach, gases and insomnia. Hippocrates said that health was cooked in the digestive system. Just in case, we give you some tips that will help you take care of your health and that of yours and avoid the Christmas rush:

  • Eat quietly, calmly, chewing well meals.
  • Dine at least a couple of hours before bedtime.
  • Juices, fruit drinks, or mineral water are better than sweet and alcoholic beverages. In case of ingesting alcohol, it is better if the stomach is full.
  • If possible, choose foods that are easy to digest.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of sugar that can alter digestion and tolerance to other foods.
  • It is recommended to avoid the consumption of smoked meats, fats, pork, veal and beef for people affected by gastritis or ulcers. Better to eat lamb and chicken meat. It is recommended to avoid fish rich in fat, smoked and seafood.
  • For those with constipation, prohibited foods are: alcoholic beverages, rice, tea and coffee, pastries, chocolate, white bread and spicy, acidic foods.
  • Exercise is essential. Various studies have shown that when exercise is hard it decreases appetite. The person who has no custom should not do excesses, it can be enough to walk ahead of meals.
  • In the case of driving, it is very important the dream that appears in digestion after copious meals. Look! News

After seeing some general notes and recommendations, we go point by point; it should be clear some points to know how to avoid these excesses that occur around the Christmas holidays. According to endocrinologist Basilio Moreno of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, “you can eat sweets and delicacies”, as could not be otherwise, which are not usually consumed throughout the year, but “always in moderation”. In the dinners of those days, according to the endocrinologist, you would have to take first the vegetables and then the fish (like the blue also the white ones, because they are much easier diggers than the meats).

  • As for the meat, Moreno recommends taking the lamb at Christmas or Christmas meals to make the digestion quieter, “although in these holidays there is usually enough time at night to digest the food”, since people do not lie down any more dinner.
  • Shellfish are full foods (rich in protein and similar to fish in vitamins). Therefore, from a dietary point of view, they are healthy and rational foods (another aspect is the price of these foods), since their cooking is sufficiently resistant.
  • Diabetics should take turrones and marzipan in small amounts, according to Moreno, since they are much better dessert ingredients if consumed in moderation than special products for diabetics.
  • With hypertents, however, it is necessary to act hard at birth, since renouncing the prohibition of salt can produce cerebrovascular problems easily. For them, therefore, seafood is not recommended, and if you want to take, you should always consume it “boiled with very little salt”. Although we can be more generous with diabetics, there is always a very thorough control of the extraordinary calories that vary from your daily diet (nougat and sweets are very high in calories).
  • Best menu. Nutrologist Rosa Ortega, of the Nutrition Institute of the CSCI, believes that the consumption of foods she likes is not good or bad on days of abuse, since “science is not the only guide in these cases”, being important the consumption of foods she likes. The best menu should try to compensate for the excesses of Christmas with vegetables and fruits.
    when they have it, but the excesses that can be done for a few days should not be discarded so easily, since its consequences can become more serious.Therefore, in some way, the food measure of those days should give special importance to legumes, vegetables and fruits; then fish would come ahead of meats, and seafood, strong cheeses, eggs, butters and cream should be carefully consumed. With alcoholic beverages and tobacco, as could not be otherwise, the main recommendation is to moderate its use and avoid, if possible, its consumption.

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