
Doogie, the super mouse have introduced a gene that can have to do with intelligence

1999/09/26 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

At first glance it looks like a normal mouse. When he is in the cage ole the surroundings, he goes up in the bars, bites with desire to what they put him, sleeps…. When they go to the laboratory, things change, as it easily overcomes all the tests that make it easier and easier, as if he immediately remembered everything he had learned before. Doogie is the super mouse of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology of the United States.

Doogie was a normal mouse of birth like the others. However, when a group of scientists accepted it, their life changed. When scientists produced changes in DNA, the reactions of neurons in the brain were also different. So Doogie, with intelligence, is a mouse faster than the rest of mice. Conclusions have been drawn from these trials. "The results seem to indicate that some of the brain traits of mammals — intelligence and memory — can change."

The prediction of the conclusions of the investigation has generated a scandal. The genetic origin of the mind is a subject that generates a great debate, since among other things the possibility of denouncing racism is created.

The concept of intelligence itself can also be dangerous, since it is associated with a series of characteristics, some difficult to understand, such as creativity, and others more concrete, such as the ability to face problems. In all this, however, it has become clear that intelligence, if it were genetic, would include many genes.

Doogie is faster than the rest of mice, that's also clear. Therefore, if what has been done with mice could be done with human beings, scientists believe that from this line of research, beneficial consequences can be derived for human beings. They say therapies could be developed to address learning difficulties and memory problems, including Alzheimer's. For this reason, the researchers have already contacted pharmaceutical companies that can finance the research.

The consequences of the trials that are being carried out with the super mouse have gone beyond, since in addition to solving the problems, we talk about improving what there is or can come, that is, it could be used to improve the performance of those who are healthy or to improve that of their descendants. Ambitious ambitions, no doubt. However, the case of Doogie, if it is to say clearly, has had a single conclusion at the moment, since it allows to take new steps in the investigation of memory.

How have Doogie been created?

As discussed at the beginning, the Doogie mouse, better said the mouse trunk, has not happened by chance, since it is the result of a deep planning. In the last decade neurophysiologists have investigated the molecule called NMDA. This substance is found at the edges of the long branches of brain cells. The NMDA substance responds to chemical signals emitted by adjacent cells, but it must also receive the electrical signal from its cell, which otherwise does not respond. Scientists believe that NMDA has a lot to do with the formation of memory, although they do not know how the phenomenon occurs. During trials with NMDA, researchers have been able to verify that the blockade of laboratory animals means a loss of memory and learning capacity.

In this last essay, in addition to working with NMDA, the researcher has used the substance NR2B. This substance is one of the components of the NMDA molecule and is found in the hippocampus. As is known, in the hippocampus a long-term memory is formed and the hippocampus has a great life in young animals, but in adults no. The researchers introduced the gene that produces the substance NR2B in the embryos of the common mice, the result was the mouse trunk baptized as Doogie.

The newborn mice were given several studies to measure their intelligence: put them in a box and without more, give them electric shocks, give the electric shock when playing the bell… When they were stuck in the box or noticed the fear of hearing the bell. Common mice did not learn. They also tested with mice with less violence. Two plastic toys were put in front of them until they got used to having the mice in front. Then one was changed and the super mice paid special attention to the new toy, while the normal ones followed the previous one.

What serves for the Doogie mouse, will it serve for humans? This is one of the main concerns of researchers. According to the authors of the study, the human NMDA molecule is like that of the NMDA of many other animals, including mice, so its role in the brain can be the same. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology does not intend to experiment with human genes, including the legal ban. However, since the drugs that can strengthen the activity of the NR2B molecule are acceptable, they have already applied for a patent to test with this gene.

If they have become super mice, will they ever become super kids? For the moment the question has no answer, since from the essay it cannot be deduced that animal intelligence is the same as the human, nor that the genetic base of the mind is the only one. So, the only subject of Doogie? It seems that intelligence, to some extent, is something biological. One knows to what extent it is biological, but these mice can be an important step in the path of learning which demons perform our genes to create memory and form intelligence.

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