
Diamond: treasure for British researchers

2007/02/08 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Diamond is ready to work, a third-generation synchrotron or a particle accelerator. Located in Oxford, it is, according to experts, the largest technological resource built in Britain in the last 30 years.

The accelerator will make monochromatic light rays available to researchers. At the moment there are seven ray zones, but they will continue under construction and another fifteen are expected to be built by 2011. This will mean a significant budget increase (to date three hundred and sixty-five million euros have been spent), with a cost of one hundred and seventy-five million euros.

The first accelerator researchers begin to reach Diamond. Therefore, if there are no problems, it will soon be underway.

Photo: Diamond Light Source Ltd.

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