
Development of diabetes

2002/11/22 Elhuyar Zientzia

Poor enzymatic activity of insulin causes the accumulation of glucose in the blood, that is, diabetes. And obesity is one of the causes of diabetes.

When fat accumulates, many enzymes are activated as JNK. This enzyme reduces the activity of another enzyme in the body that allows the proper functioning of insulin. Therefore, when there are many active GDN, insulin does not work properly. The fact that it occurs the same can lead to the development of the disease, so organisms with excess fat have a higher risk of developing diabetes.

The JNK enzyme, a biochemical base of this type of diabetes, has managed to avoid obesity and diabetes by eliminating in the mouse the gene that encodes this enzyme. Therefore, as in the rest of the diseases in which the origin of the disease is known, selective inhibition of JNK can be the way to treat diabetes in the future. In the image you can see the effect of the diet rich in fat in mice with and without JNK enzyme.

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