
Innovative Searches

2003/02/19 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

A new method of searching texts allows to know the trends of each era.

American Jon Kleinberg has had a curious idea for searching. This idea is to analyze how the frequencies of words vary, since frequency change has to do with the diffusion of new ideas.

Many search engines analyze the number of certain words, it is just a story. But Kleinberg has taken another step, he believes that the sudden increase in the frequency of a word in the texts means that that idea is new.

Kleinberg, for example, analyzes the words used by the US presidents in the 18th century. From the 20th century to the present. In the years following the American Revolution, the words "militia" (militia), "british" (British) and "savages" (savages) proliferated remarkably. In the 1930s the use of the word depression increased considerably, while in the 1950s the word atomic increased considerably.

The texts therefore reflect trends and concerns of yesteryear and Kleinberg's methodology may be appropriate for analyzing these trends and concerns.

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