
Car gas waste for laser beam generation

2002/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Physicist Marlan Scully states that the energy of gases coming out of the car's exhaust can produce laser beams. Based on a rear burner and quantum mechanics, the gas residues of cars would become useful energy, i.e. laser beams.

To do this, two new sections should be added after the car exhaust pipe, a laser and a maser (laser type that produces microwave instead of visible light). Both, using different energy levels of exhaust molecules, would produce radiation. The maser would use the heat molecules in the exhaust pipe to produce microwaves.

Subsequently, these molecules would move to a lower energy level for use by the laser. Lasers require a large number of excited molecules that release energy as light. In short, the maser would use a part of the exhaust heat and the rest of the energy would generate laser beams.

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