If you like fish soup guess what it's done with
1988/12/01 Arrojeria, Eustakio - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa | Lizaso, Pili - Informatika SailaElhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Words can be left to right, right to left, up, down, diagonally. etc.
We have chosen a theme and have chosen the names of the fish. If you want to enter other words, you just need to change data.
Parts of the program:
- From a set of words (in this case 30) 10 are taken randomly (120)
- Selected words are stored in SOPA$ (130-300)
- Once the words are placed in the soup, the free positions will be filled, taking the letters randomly (310-320)
- The word soup is presented on screen, combining the words that can be found in it with others (330-350)
- Use responses are collected until this invents 10 words or press F10 (36)-590)
- It is checked if the word entered is in the word soup (440-500).
- If the word is in soup, it will stand out in a more intense color. (510-590).
- When you exit the program by pressing F10, the missing words will be highlighted in red.
Enter the selected words in SOPA$
This can be the most important part of the program, since while it is easy to do it by hand, when ordering the computer, we must define the conditions that we consider unconsciously.
In addition to randomly selecting words, their position is taken randomly in the letter soup. When you say position, the starting line and the column and direction of the word (from left to right, diagonal up, etc.) is meant to say.
The requirements for placing a word in one of the selected positions are:
- If the initial position, that is, if the SOPA$ (LER,ZUT) is free or occupied, the letter in it corresponds to the first letter of the word we want to place (150).
- Have as many rows and columns as word letters in the sense of study (180).
- That the position corresponding to each letter of the word is free or you want to locate the existing letter (190-210).
- All directions will be tested before discarding a position. If it is not possible to locate the word in a specific line, column and sense, keeping the line and column will test the other addresses.
- The set of words must be 30.