
The 2006 Abel Has already won

2006/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The 2006 Abel prize has already won
01/05/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Abel Award/Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters)

Swedish mathematician Lennart Carlesson will receive this year the Abel award for Fourier series research and harmonic analysis.

Jean Baptiste Fourier studied harmonic analysis for the first time. According to this branch of mathematics, in nature, phenomena produced by periodicity --for example, electric currents or sound waves - can be described by the sum of the sinuses and cosins--these sums are called Fourier series. Carlesson was awarded for her research in this area in the 1960s.

Carlesson explores previously unresearched areas and, once the path is opened, leaves the opportunity to deepen other researchers. For his part, Carlesson is dedicated to another field not investigated by him.

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