
Flowering Spines

2002/04/19 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has announced that almost no one eats flowers, but there are many people living in developing countries thanks to flower cultivation.

In Kenya, for example, although this activity did not begin until 1972, now flowers and vegetables compete with typical export products (tea, coffee and tourism). In addition, most workers are women and given that they allocate most of their benefits to the health and education of their children, money from the flourishing has a great importance in the development of society.

However, in relation to the environment and human ethics, this activity has less beneficial aspects. The flowers are sold in developed countries, and in this market do not accept flowers that do not look perfect. Pesticides are therefore used against all types of pests, especially bromomethane.

On the other hand, until recently the rules on floriculture pesticides were not as strict as those applied in agriculture. Therefore, for years there has been an abusive use of bromomethane, which has caused damage to both the environment and residents. For example, in the Nyeri region in central Kenya, bromethane has endangered a freshwater reservoir, Lake Naivasha, and its hippos have been observed by this pesticide.

In addition, due to the impact of bromomethane on the ozone layer, there is an international agreement to reduce its use. Developing countries have up to 2015, ten years more than developed countries. But the replacement of bromomethane is not easy, it is very effective. Therefore, FAO and the United Nations Environment Plan have created a programme of aid to reconcile clean production with pest control.

Bear in mind that, driven by European and US producers, the governments of these countries can prevent the importation of products made from bromomethane. Kenyan producers are therefore obliged to do without bromomethane. It will certainly benefit the health of the population and the environment, but at the same time it is possible to maintain the activity as such an important source of income.

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