Vitamin additives as a health guarantee?
2001/07/01 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia
Feeling tired? This will be solved by the vitamin additive. That the child does not grow as fast as he wants? Leave the vitamins and you will soon discover the difference. Does your hair fall? You may have a shortage of vitamins, take these!

We often hear similar and, in fact, vitamin additives are becoming more common. On the one hand, the purchase of these additives does not require a prescription; on the other hand, advertising in media (sometimes mixed with medical advice) and the variety is wide: vitamins more minerals, which are offered along with other incentives with an attractive and exotic name... However, many people fear that they will not take enough vitamins and minerals and, to ensure good health, purchase vitamin additives at the pharmacy. Unfortunately, these vitamin additives only guarantee their contribution.
The human body needs many components to fulfill its functions. Among them, the main raw materials are carbohydrates, proteins and fats or fats, which are captured by the body through food. In addition, fiber and water are very important. Therefore, although all vitamins and minerals are taken in recommended amounts, it is clear that you can not do without the rest of the food ingredients.

However, in some cases vitamin additives are recommended. For example, those who are following a low-calorie diet need almost the help of additives, since the amounts of vitamins and minerals ingested with this measure (below 1,500 or 1,300 kcal) are insufficient. Something similar happens with many older people. In old age, health problems and heavy digestions are common, so if they are not taken care of by the environment, many of the elderly tend to eat less and less. In addition, when choosing foods that are easy to make and chew, the diet is unbalanced. In these cases, it is best to go to the doctor to check the health of the elderly person and find out what the appropriate supplement is.
On the other hand, at different times in life the needs increase. For example, pregnant women take folic acid and iron by optional prescription: folic acid is essential for the development of the embryo spinal cord and iron is necessary to combat the physiological anemia of the pregnant woman. These two are not, of course, the only ingredients that the pregnant woman should take care of, but despite an orotaric and balanced diet, it is easy that iron is not enough and because of the importance of folic acid you have to make sure that a minimum amount is taken.

Vitamin needs also increase in athletes and smokers. Athletes have accelerated the metabolism of energy and body mechanisms are forced to make a special effort (the same happens to children and young people who work hard or move a lot). Vitamins, by participating in many metabolic processes, are essential. On the other hand, along with sweat some minerals are eliminated, so the recovery of the lost after the sports day is very important to avoid deficiencies. However, what you think will improve brands by taking vitamin and mineral additives is very wrong.
The case of smokers is different. The effects of nicotine and smoke increase the needs of vitamins A, C and E. People who drink a lot of alcohol also have symptoms of vitamin shortages, especially vitamin B1. And coffee and tea prevent the absorption of folic acid, vitamins A and B12. To some extent, all toxic substances affect body metabolism and to compensate for the imbalance it is necessary to take vitamins, among others. However, these vitamins will not completely eliminate the damage caused by toxic substances.
Therefore, vitamins are not all-powerful. And while they are essential to live, abuse hurts. Vitamin additives are not chuches that can be taken in any way. Vitamins are divided into water-soluble or water-soluble and fat-soluble or fat-soluble. The first (group B and vitamin C) are removed by urine. But liposoluble (A, D, E and K), if consumed in excess, accumulate in the body's fats and cause serious damage. For example, excessive vitamin A causes liver and skin problems, while excessive vitamin D causes calcium buildup in kidney, liver, and heart tissues.

For most experts, and when the doctor does not advise anything else, it is best to get vitamins through food. In addition to vitamins, foods contain other health-promoting substances: grape polyphenols, fruit and vegetable flabonoids, etc. However, keep in mind that some vitamins are easily lost by their preparation or by keeping them in contact with the air for some time. Therefore, the safest, healthiest way and how not! to satisfy all needs is to eat everything and to the right extent. Happy!
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