Oh, my extra pounds!
2001/03/04 Mendiburu, Joana - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

To say whether someone is obese or not is always easy, since you have to take into account the composition and skeleton of each. However, doctors have done numerous studies and the limit of obesity is already fairly well defined.
This limit is defined by the weight of urin mass and varies by sex and age. In the case of boys, urin mass should not exceed 20% of the appropriate weight and in the case of girls, urin mass should not exceed 25% of the appropriate weight.
Although obesity can be evident in adults, it is necessary to take into account the skeleton and body of each of them and to know how many kilos are excessive you have to go to the doctor. However, it is ideal to measure the back to the waist to make an idea, being 100 cm in men and 95 cm in women the limit of obesity.
However, when studying the influence of obesity on cardiovascular diseases, he has realized that those who have taken five kilos in the short term have more risk than those who have been for years. So, even though many people tend to get fat as age progresses, you don't have to fall into neglect. You always have to take care of your own weight.

Obesity is dangerous at any age and the proper weight of an adult does not vary with age, either 30 or 60 years is the same. Until recently, it was considered normal for a 60-year-old to be fat, but research by researchers at the University of North Carolina among 300,000 people has shown the convenience of maintaining the same weight up to 75 years.
When doctors say that overweight care is not about aesthetics or fashion. Half of people with hypertension are overweight and half of them would be enough to lose weight to control tension.
However, after so many investigations and warnings it seems that people do not take this problem seriously. In fact, in many villages the number of obese people doubles in five years and more than half of the population is overweight. According to Dr. Ramón Ruiz de Gauna, from the Txagorritxu Hospital in Vitoria-Gasteiz, 30% of the population in the Basque Country is overweight.
You can not miss the kilos
Obesity is a complex problem in which, from the results of some studies, it can be said that the environment, culture and customs have a direct influence, although genetic origin can be one of the factors. According to these studies, if both parents have an adequate weight, the probability of fattening the adult is 10%, if one parent is obese, this probability reaches 40% and if both parents are fat 80%.

In these times when the human genome goes from word to mouth, they are sufficient results to demonstrate that some genes also influence obesity, but at the same time, it cannot be denied that eating habits and lack of exercise habit also have to do. In short, obesity is the relationship between the calories taken and the energy spent. And balanced diet and exercise practice are the keys to maintaining proper weight.
The alarm has also been raised among children and young people. Children are getting bigger, but also more obese. The reason for this last change is known: the sweets they eat and the sweet drinks they drink. According to a new study, sweet, gassed or "juicy" drinks are the causes of children's fattening. If we consume more than 300 ml of drink a day, the risk of fattening increases 1.6 times. Losing kilos is not easy and, therefore, it is important to acquire from childhood a balanced diet and an exercise habit.
So from now on you know, it is in your hands and to start eating less and exercising you do not need to wait until spring.
Some tips:From the age of 40, food needs decrease, so it is advisable that when reaching that age food contributions are reduced by 20%, as long as they are done correctly. Some tips for this are: To eat and drink less:
Quiet edible:
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