
Strange technologies for space

1999/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

NASA's Deep Space I mission began in October 1998 with the aim of testing new technologies developed in the new spacecraft. The mission is of the New Millenium program, which will significantly improve space travel and, in particular, aims to create smaller spacecraft, cheaper, safer and independent of humans.

The technologies that have been tested so far in the Deep Space I Mission are the ion propulsion system, new solar panels, new media, microelectronics and new technologies in the structure of the spacecraft. In addition, an automatic driving system called Autonav has been developed, with the aim of reducing human influence in the conduct of spacecraft and therefore increasing the security of space missions. One of the most important novelties is the ionic engine, 10 times more efficient than conventional solid or liquid fuel engines.

This engine allows a much higher propulsion force with the same amount of fuel. All these new technologies have already passed the experimental phase and now only need to produce. XXI. The space ships of the 20th century, therefore, will come into space shortly.

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