Solutions for tired legs
2002/12/01 Agirre, Jabier - Medikua eta OEEko kidea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Women are more likely to suffer venous or venous insufficiency than men (the main causes of this major trend are pregnancy, hormonal imbalances that occur around menstruation and the adoption of contraceptives). And against this, the best solution is to accelerate blood circulation. In this way, in addition to avoiding inflating the legs, we will reduce fluid retention, protect against cellulite and form a barrier against varicose veins.
Protect the legs
Excessive heat is not good for blood circulation, as heat causes vasodilation. Therefore, it is not advisable to spend too much time in the sun, it is preferable to cool your legs regularly. Beware of hot water temperature during shower or bath, it is preferable to alternate hot water with cold water. Also, if you lose your legs with wax, it is better to use warm or cold wax.
Wearing comfortable clothes
Wearing tight clothing on hips and thighs does not allow blood to flow freely. The same happens with shoes that tighten the foot, very high heels or sandals with sole and rigid combs. The smallest part of the foot is the base, since every time we put the foot on the ground it behaves in the form of a bomb, pushing the blood up and affecting traffic.
Healthy diet
These extra pounds also do not help blood circulation in your lower limbs. Overweight hampers the work of blood vessels and prevents blood from running freely throughout the body.
Water, essential
Water is the best drink to lighten your legs. It will help you eliminate liquids and toxins. It is recommended to drink a couple of liters of water a day for blood to run fast in the veins and arteries.
Diuretic foods
In addition to water, drink natural juices and other foods that facilitate the work of the kidneys (potatoes or tomato, e.g. ). Beware of salt and if possible do not drink coffee or tea.
The less fat, the better
Foods rich in silicon such as onions and garlic, those containing vitamin E (virgin olive oil) and those rich in vitamin C (citrus) activate blood circulation. Do not eat red meats, sausages and sausages, or fried. Best blue fish and salads.
Fiber against constipation
Constipation causes fatigue in the legs due to pressure exerted by the intestines on the blood vessels responsible for the elevation of the lower extremities. To avoid this pressure it is necessary to help the intestines perform their work normally, with whole foods, fresh fruit and vegetables and legumes.
Moving legs
Sport is very appropriate to lighten the body. When the muscles move, you can move the veins and extend the blood throughout the body. A weekly exercise may be enough. But nothing better than traveling two or three kilometers each day.
Walking, walking
It's not about walking slowly watching the shop windows. To improve blood circulation you need a quick step and comfortable footwear. Do not waste the possibility of walking on the beach. With sea water and sand it is possible to discharge the tension of the legs. In the absence of the sea, walking in the herbs is also good, or even on carpeting house, but barefoot.
Place your legs up
Something simpler, little: when resting, or even sleeping, if the legs rise about ten centimeters above the horizontal level, they will remain at the same level of the heart.
Avoid bad postures
Staying long standing, or even sitting, across the legs, is not appropriate. Try to walk from time to time. It is also convenient to have your feet slightly raised when watching TV, for example, with some footrests.
Better therapy, prevention 30% of women with traffic problems end up with varicose veins in their legs. As in many other cases, prevention is the best way, since once the variz is created a medical treatment is necessary to solve the problem.
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