
Bernat Soria on stem cells and regenerative medicine

2007/02/15 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

The Chair Sánchez Mazas of the UPV organizes annually a Course of Science in Action. This year the theme is that of stem cells and regenerative medicine, and several lectures are being given at the cultural center Koldo Mitxelena de Donostia. The speaker was Bernat Soria, who gave a lecture entitled “Stem cells and regenerative medicine: a revolution that can’t wait.”
Bernat Soria.

Bernat Soria leads the center of molecular biology and regenerative medicine in Andalusia Cabimer, who has been working with stem cells for years. At the beginning, he dedicated himself to biophysics, but explained how he worked with stem cells and their relationship with clinical medicine.

In fact, it is sometimes difficult to see what relationship exists between basic molecular level research in cells and work in hospitals. But there is a lot of link, and that is what Soria showed, because in her career there are many examples.

For example, it has been researching diabetes for twenty years. At first, it was dedicated to investigating the beta cells that produce insulin. Soria described, among other things, how they flow insulin and communicate with cells in the environment.

Stem cells of the mouse. (Photo: American Science Foundation)

But the goal was to combat diabetes and its consequences, and with it it was not enough. I wanted to know how to create beta cells to then integrate them into the pancreas and produce the insulin the body needs.

Then he began working with stem cells, thinking that stem cells could become beta cells. Since then, both he and other researchers working in this field have taken great steps. Soria gave some examples and, despite recognizing that there is still much to be investigated, she believes that “they are on the right track.”

She also works with adult stem cells, which showed some of her current applications. He declared that medicine is "within a revolution" and announced that the future protagonists will be genomics, proteomics, bionanotechnology, bioinformatics and regenerative medicine.

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