
Instruments found in India threaten the history of our species

2018/01/31 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Middle Palaeolithic tools have been found at the Attirampakkham site. - Ed. Heritage Education Center Sharma, India

At the site of Attirampakkham, southeast India, a series of tools with characteristics of the Middle Palaeolithic, such as stone manufactured with the Levallois technique have been found. It is estimated that they are 385,000 years old and that is what has raised the doubt.

In fact, at that time this culture arose in Africa and Europe, and all the vestiges so far point to the fact that modern man did not yet reach Asia. Therefore, it will now be necessary for archaeologists to review this hypothesis. The discovery has been published in the journal Nature.

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