
Benefits of black wine

1999/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Wine has long been good for blood circulation, and in particular for the heart, but the deceased said that alcohol damage to the immune system is greater. Now, however, it seems that it does not produce them either.

That's what at least one research done with laboratory rats says. A group of rats only got water to drink, two wine of different origin and the fourth ethanol. One person donated 2-3 glasses of wine to the rats to get used to. Once accustomed they were caused a small disease to measure the immune response. Ethanol drinkers had dysfunctions in the immune system and significantly reduced the number of white blood cells. However, those who drank red wine had no problem. They do not know what it causes, but red wine has a red pigment for its antioxidants. Mice that have drunk red wine have more antioxidants in their blood than those who have drunk water or ethanol.

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