
Most successful articles 2016

2016/12/23 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria


We want to offer you the most successful articles published in Elhuyar magazine in 2016. 10 most read articles at your disposal. Take time and enjoy!

1. Interview with Felix Puente: “Doctors have a mission to help with death and to flee from it is to be a professional evil.”

2. Homeopathy is no more effective than placebo

3. Homo sapiens in his solitude

4º A gene related to celiac disease has been identified

5. Chronicle of the awards ceremony CAF-Elhuyar

6th Non hegoa, there the leg

7. To age without hangover

8º. Editing technique of the genome CRISPR. Benefits and concerns

9. Belief, augmented reality itself

10. Cannibal Neanderthals from Northern Europe, close up

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