
New recipes for the creation of stem cells

2009/09/08 Lakar Iraizoz, Oihane - Elhuyar Zientzia

Induced pluripotent cells can be obtained much more easily than with fibroblasts from other types of cells. A team from Stanford University in California has managed to improve the results of fibroblasts with fat cells and another from Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital with pastry cells.

For the formation of induced stem cells, cutaneous fibroblasts that feed on cells are generally used, grow up to a sufficient number of cells and are treated for reprogramming. In general, they need about a month to grow and one in 10,000 cells can become pluripotent cells.

With other types of cells change the time needed and the success rate achieved. The Stanford University team, for example, had a couple of days prepared to treat fat cells. The difference lies in the number of cells obtained: four people who took two liters of fat by liposuction, and only had to clean the cells they did not want to treat. In addition, after their treatment, they saw that the method used was 20 times more effective than with fibroblasts.

Image: Image: Thefuturistics

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