
Muscled aged

2006/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Muscled aged
01/02/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Archive)

As you age your muscles decrease. The secret to dealing with this process can be to increase, according to researchers from the Human Nutrition Research Center of Auvergne (France).

The muscle is in constant renewal: after meals, above all, a new muscle is performed (destruction slows down), while during fasting between meals, the muscle is mainly destroyed. Both activities develop in balance, but in old age destruction predominates. Consequently, from the age of forty, a person loses 0.5% to 2% a year of his muscle.

French researchers have investigated this fact in rats and found that in old age muscle destruction does not slow down as much as in youth after meals, when the new muscle is being performed, and that increasing the amount of amino acid leucine in the diet reduces the muscle loss of rats.

As a result, it seems convenient to eat a protein-rich diet during old age and not stop eating meat, as it is rich in leukins.

News in brief
Biochemistry; Health; Dietetics