
Spring, annual allergy appointment

2001/04/29 Mendiburu, Joana - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

On the day the solar ray heats up, the allergist takes his hands to the head and "there are more and more allergies, and there are more and more allergies!" shouts. And all media sell that behind all sneezes there is an allergy case. Of course, the allergic spring person thinks that this time of year would be much more beautiful without pollen, but what would spring be without flowers?

The number of known types of allergies is on the rise, but is anyone surprised? Why are so many research done, except to detect new allergic agents? In short, the aim of these studies is to identify the smaller ones than the appearance of new allergenic factors. Therefore, it is a joy to say that there are more allergens and allergies, since only so will an adequate treatment or anti-allergic vaccination be achieved.

Pollution, pollen, mites and now genes

The increase in allergies has been attributed for many years to air pollution produced by industry and cars due to urban disease. However, according to experts, external pollution is not the only cause of new allergies.

The habit of keeping pets (cats and dogs) in the apartments and the excuse of not introducing smell and dirt on the outside is not surprising that with closed windows becomes allergic. Although there are more cleaning products than ever, drowning between powders and fumes in the house does not benefit the allergic person. Desire to sneeze pollen that spring flowers release, respiratory problems, cough, etc. Even if you believe them, do not forget that the preferred habitacles of mites – microscopic spider insects – fed by human scales are beds, carpets and curtains. According to experts, the concentration of mites in the powder is sufficient for the allergy to explode and if the concentration reaches 10%, in the long term what was not allergic can become allergic.

On the other hand, there is still no evidence of whether the existence of an allergic light is hereditary or not, but there are relevant data to think it is related. If one parent is allergic, the risk of an allergic disease for the child is 29%. When both parents are allergic, this risk increases to 47% and if none of the parents are allergic, the risk decreases to 13%. However, it remains to be defined the genetic alterations that exist in the liver of this data.

Body response

Each allergy eliminates its body response in its own way and even the same, it is common for two people not to have the same response.

Some have symptoms such as conjunctivitis, sneezing, nasal itching, water leakage, etc. These are the most common or, at least, those that are most perceived because, although they are not comfortable, they do not prevent going out to the street.

In other cases, such as asthma, bronchial symptoms predominate. It consists of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, constriction of the bronchi, inflammation of the veins... The main symptoms are breathing difficulties, choking sensation and cough.

Finally, superficial symptoms may appear. In these cases the most common thing is to think that it is a skin allergy caused by a physical contact, but it is not always so. Usually these are allergies that produce an intense itching, but do not scratch to not irritate the skin more.

The main lines of the mechanism of allergies are known, but there are still many mysteries to be solved. Among other things, it's about clarifying why only an allergy to a person who has been allergic in some years goes away.

How to protect yourself from allergens?

Due to the great advances in medicine, it is predictable that at some point appropriate vaccines or treatments against allergies arrive, but unfortunately still experts ask for some patience. However, although there is no specific medicine, to correctly identify the causes of allergy it is advisable to make a visit and test the allergist. In short, the best way to avoid allergy is to avoid the agent that causes bodily reactions.

When the problem is due to lack of domestic ventilation, it is recommended to clean the canvases with hot water every week, frequently vacuum (or give carpets to the neighbor) and open windows to remove moisture from the house and ventilate the house. As for domestic animals, there is no half way, it is best to keep them away from home.

External factors, on the contrary, cannot be controlled and, of course, it is best not to come out on days with a lot of pollen. However, by injecting small amounts of allergen, by means of the vaccine, the aim is to get the familiarization of the body. Since each person responds to this treatment, it is not known how long it takes to know the results.

Now that we have just gotten into the worst time for allergy sufferers, it is better not to leave at least two months without handkerchiefs. I encourage and teach spring, like flowers, your most beautiful face!

More than 80 miles allergic

Results of a study started in 1997 and published in autumn last year.

7,000 Europeans answered 34 questions about etiological agents, symptoms, treatment received and quality of life.

The first data are surprising:

  • 25% of the European population is considered allergic, that is, 80 million allergic in Europe.
  • 80% of patients have treatment, but 30% have not been successful.
  • 70% of patients have some kind of discomfort in their daily lives.
  • 30% of patients have not performed etiological analyses.

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