
Move with stem cells

2002/07/22 Elhuyar Zientzia

The movement is in the hands of neurons, which are motor neurons that reach the muscles that send when and how to move. Therefore, the involvement of these neural motors as a result of a disease or accident limits or prevents movement. In addition, many times there is no remedy.

Recently, researchers from the Howard Hughes Institute of Medicine in the United States. They have made known an important step in the resolution of these problems. The research, published in the journal Cell, has allowed to convert stem cells into a neuron motor in the mouse. The achievement has not been postponed to the work of a day, since the researchers have taken years to know what were the chemical issues that governed this distinction.

According to the researchers, although it will take time, it seems that the same can be done in people. Undoubtedly, it is an encouraging news for those who have mobility problems by motor neurons.

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