
Achievements, concerns and doubts in lists

2014/12/22 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

This year there is no doubt: all scientific journals have highlighted Rosetta and Philae among the most important scientific-technological news of 2014. Almost all of them have been placed on the top of the list. Some have underlined the scientific contributions of the Rosetta mission and others have praised the fact of having managed to put Philae on the comet's cover.

In any case, spatial feat has not covered the concern of Ebola. Thus, the contamination of the virus outside Africa also appears in the specialized press lists in the first places of the most outstanding scientific news.

From there, there are more differences between the lists, but there are news that appear in the background, such as the contributions of genetic studies to the evolutionary tree of the human species and the tests on the abstract thought of our ancestors. In relation to genetics, synthetic nucleotides and artificial yeast synthesis are frequent. Besides genetics, the work related to climate change is also noteworthy.

Finally, it should be noted that scientific journals have not ruled out the news of detecting gravitational waves of the lists, although it has not been confirmed. If confirmed, the detection would show inflation in the origin of the universe, but it is not yet clear whether the signal was a footprint of gravitational waves.

Therefore, they have not only taken into account the achievements, but also their concerns and doubts in the elaboration of the lists. In fact, in science not everything is safe or exact, but that does not necessarily mean that it is not important.

Published in the newspaper Berria.