
Four, four

1987/08/01 Irazabalbeitia, Inaki - kimikaria eta zientzia-dibulgatzaileaElhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

We are in summer and this is the best time of year for trips and excursions. The long days and the mild climate allow us to know new places and environments. In addition, at this time of year the nature that surrounds us from anywhere is abundant. The Basque Country offers nature lovers wonderful and unique places. We have brought four of them to our pages and we propose to visit them. The four have a common characteristic: Water.

KAKUETA: Water becomes an artisan

The first impression received by those who enter the foz of the hooks is freshness. Then you will discover the bustle of the water and finally you will captivate the dense vegetation, formed by a huge humidity. As you walk along the trail, the atmosphere will hook you up and before you can seisarte as a component of water, rocks and green.

The Kakueta Canyon, located in Zuberoa, forms next to the canyons of Ehujarre and Holtzarte, one of the most beautiful corners of the Basque Country. It is not difficult to get there. Once you arrive in Villava, you have to take the Larrain road and, after passing Ligi on the left, continue along the slope that leads to Santa Garazi and three kilometers before reaching the easternmost town of Euskal Herria. Worth paying 10 pounds!

Photos: Photos Inaki Irazabalbeitia

PITILLAS: Bird paradise

Green predominated in the hooks, while yellow predominated in Pitillas. Summer may not be the best time to go to Pitillas. The summer heat has yellowed the green colors of spring and has already collected heads full of fertile grains that clean the fields in an instant. In the heat of noon, the miracle of the lagoon is used of the drafts to ascend and when least expected to the prey fall the sharp claws that graze his flesh.

In winter, on the contrary, the lagoon of Pitillas is fashionable. Birds descended north in search of heat cover the water and the sky. In winter there are abundant ducks, geese, porrones, herons, etc. and their cries break the silence.

The access road to the lagoon of Pitillas has no loss. We take the road from Pamplona to Tudela and 8 km from Herriberri, we will see the crossing of Pitillas. The lake is located after passing the village of Pitillas.

(Photos: Inaki Irazabalbeitia and I. Elosegi).


A burning that goes to the reservoir.
Inaki Irazabalbeitia

The Donostiarras know perfectly what is Artikutza, since formerly all the drinking water of San Sebastian was brought from the reservoir. After the construction of the Ainarbe reservoir, Artikutza has become its complement. Artikutza is characterized by tranquility. Life has another rhythm.

Take the road from Ugaldetxo (Oiartzun) to the hill of Bianditz. In continuous and continuous slope you can enjoy a spectacular landscape. Donostia-San Sebastian, Jaizkibel, Aiako Harria and the bay of Txingudi will appear before your eyes and after overcoming the hill, the FOREST. After about five hundred meters under the slope, you will find the house Goarda-etxea. This limit will be insurmountable if you have not obtained authorization in the Water Service of the City of San Sebastian. If not, you will open the barrier and access the kingdom of tranquility.

Photos: Photos I. Elosegi and Inaki Irazabalbeitia

ARBAIUN: Work in centuries

Inaki Irazabalbeitia

Arbaiun Canyon is the result of thousands of years of work on the Salazar River. This hunting lodge extends over 11.46 hectares and hides wonderful corners. Wildlife and vegetation are spectacular.

On the way from Lumbier to Otsaki, once past Isogaina, is in Arbaiun. If you go to Arbaiun, take the "Arbaiun, guide" by Martxel Aizpura, which will be very useful.

(Photo: Inaki Irazabalbeitia).

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