
Winners dress in red

2009/11/01 Korta Hernandez, Nerea - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

See reds, spend the red winter, be on red skins, stay on the street... If the word red has in Basque, besides color, other connotations. Color itself, culturally, is linked to hard feelings: anger, fear... With reason. Scientific research has shown that red significantly influences human behavior.
Several studies show that men see women dressed in red more attractive (Photo: Liu Xiang).

Color is the visual perception that occurs when interpreting the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. And red is the least frequent color able to see man. But it is the color of the blood and the color of the fire. It affects humans and animals.

The first scientist to study the effect of red on animal behavior was Niko Tinberg's Nobel Prize. 60 years ago he realized that every time he parked the red mail van next to his window, his trident fishes adopted an aggressive and mocking attitude, which they normally took when found with rival worms.

It also influences primates. A study by the University of Durham reveals that the read mandrels are more red the more testosterones they have. Therefore, among those with similar redness, threats, fights and setbacks are common. However, when there are large color differences, the clearest is removed.

According to scientists, wearing athletes red can lead to winning in narrow competitions (Photo: Aspebola.

A few years ago, researchers from the same university, Russel Hill and Robert Barton, discovered that color had a great influence on sport. At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, in some combat sports, players were assigned a red or blue uniform. When analyzing the results of the fights, they saw that about 55% of the battles were won by players dressed in red. The Reds won 62% of the tough competitions. They concluded that the most important factors were skill and strength, but when the fights were quite symmetrical, the color flexed the balance from one side to the other.

Red also influences collective sports. Last year, in a study of 56 English football seasons conducted by the University of Plymouth, teams with the red uniform as the first option were found to be above average in league positions, winning more home matches than other colors, which would explain why Liverpool, Manchester United and Arsenal have won 38 War II titles of 63.

In primates, red indicates a high testosterone level or coating period (Photo: Photlook.

Hill and Barton, in a study conducted in the Portuguese 2004 Euro Cup final, which was not published, concluded that groups with red in one of their uniforms introduced more goals when dressed in this color. And a team at the University of Chichester found that when the penalties stopped, goalkeepers felt more confident than when the pitcher had a white shirt than when he had red.

Red is not always associated with fear. In a study at Rochester University volunteers were shown photographs of attractive women in white and red backgrounds. Men saw women in red as the most attractive. Later, the women asked them to compare with the red, blue or green shirt. They said they preferred to go out with women dressed in red and spend more money on the appointment.

The influence of red depends on the context. In contexts of realization, red means risk and that leads him to avoid it, but in loving situations, red means sexual option and leads him to a situation of approach. Seeing that the influence of colors is so common in human behavior, it is surprising that people do not realize it.

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