Ig Nobel: the most fun prizes in science
2007/10/21 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

For example, the authors of a study recently published in the prestigious scientific journal PNAS have delivered this year's Ig Nobel Aviation. The researchers belong to the Quilmes University of Argentina, specifically the department of chronobiology, and have demonstrated: With Viagra, hamsters more easily overcome the discomfort caused by jet-lakes or long flights.
Striking, right? However, the result of the research that has obtained the Medicine Prize is quite logical: the introduction of swords by the mouth produces negative effects on the esophagus and stomach. This has been demonstrated by two doctors after experimenting with 110 swords from 16 countries. In addition, they have seen that ezpata-jelly is inherited especially when they lose attention.
In the Ig Nobel in Chemistry, the sword is not the sword, but the excrement of cow. They have given it to those who have researched the extraction of vanilla essence from the cow. Mayu Yamamoto is a Japanese in whose honor he has created an ice cream the most prestigious ice cream parlor of Cambridge. Toscanini's Ice Cream is the name of this ice cream parlour that presented its new ice cream at the awards ceremony.

The food also appears in the Ig Nobel Nutrition. The award-winning research was about clarifying whether knowing how much to eat influences the amount and saturation you eat. To do this, they used a dish that was filled on their own as they emptied and measured the number of soups that people could eat.
Bed, bank robbers and peace
And from the table to the bed, as the bed appears in the awards of two areas, Biology and Physics. The first has been given to the researcher who has carried out the census of mites, spiders, crustaceans, bacteria, algae, fungi, garos and other living beings that inhabit the bed. In view of this research, no one can say that he only sleeps! Physics has been given to two physicists, one from Harvard University and one from Santiago de Chile, who have studied the physics and geometry of the wrinkling of the sheets.
The Ig Nobel in Linguistics has been won by three researchers from the University of Barcelona, thanks to a work done with rats. Researchers have shown that rats are sometimes unable to distinguish between Japanese and Dutch, in which the reverse is spoken.

We must recognize that this research is unhelpful. The winner of the Ig Nobel Prize in Economics is very practical. The prize went to a device that launches a bank robber capture network. It has been invented by a Taiwanese and is patented. Beware of stealing a bank!
The last is the Ig Nobel de la Paz. He has won the Ohio Air Force Laboratory of the United States. Peace Award for the Military? Well yes, for getting the gay bomb right. This bomb turns enemies into homosexuals and they believe that this would influence the morale and discipline of the soldiers. No doubt, we were born to see/hear!
The award ceremony, like every year, has been held at the Sanders Theatre at Harvard University in Cambridge and has been awarded by authentic Nobel Prizes. Congratulations and thank you for showing the most curious of science.
Published in 7K.

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