
Has the concrete cooled?

2001/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In a work, before starting to use the built or continue with the work, it must be ensured that the concrete has reached a certain compactness and is able to withstand heavy loads. To do this, a team of engineers at the State University of Pennsylvania has developed an “intelligent” automatic system that through a program transforms temperature data into a default hardness scale.

To measure the interior temperature of the concrete, it uses the same technology as digital thermometers stored on a chip. This chip is programmed and has a cellular communication system. Before casting concrete, the temperature sensor threads are inserted into the concrete molds. Once the concrete is poured, the wires are connected to the meter and meter with a digital phone. So, it's just calling the phone.

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