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2016/05/17 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Feminists remember that the private is political and the woman is of all. Faced with this, there are those who respond with rejection and even contempt, as is the case of the debate that arose when the CUP brought sexual education and menstruation to the center.

The world of science is no exception, and that is known by engineer Ridhi Tariyal Harvard. The Tariyal woman, who two years ago thought that tampons could be a good way for blood studies. From this idea and with the help of another researcher, he created

a method to collect the blood of the month and prepare the samples and patented it. With this method, the woman herself could know if she had an infection, for example,

without the need to go to the gynecologist. Apparently, they were not interested in a method that would only help women. However, they continued to work and adapted their method to detect cancer cells and reproductive problems, with which they have achieved greater interest and

are now working to create new applications with the blood of menstruation, with the aim of facilitating women's self-care and health. In the words of Tariyal, the goal is to help women take care of their

own health since they have menstruation for the first time until menopause. There is something.

Published in the newspaper Berria.

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