
Pheromones and potato jet

2002/09/25 Elhuyar Zientzia

Pheromones are substances that attract animals and lead them in a certain way. Among them stand out the pheromones that attract males. Now, scientists from the US Agricultural Research Service. They discover a pheromone that attracts the potato bichos of both sexes.

It is important to get a pheromone that attracts females in addition to males. It can be used to make pest control traps. Until now only the person who attracts males was known, so it could be used as a maximum to account for the population of potato bugs. With this the method of control of the epidemic was determined, but it did not serve to use it as a trap, since a few males escaped to the trap are sufficient to extend the plague. Reproductive capacity depends on the number of females.

On the contrary, the pheromone that attracts the potato bichos of both sexes can be used to make a very effective trap: if through the pheromone move the potato bichos to a place, just put a little pesticide to finish with all. In this way, it is not necessary to deploy a lot of pesticides throughout the section.

The method based on this pheromone does not seem a bad solution due to the worldwide damage produced by the potato jet. Scientists are already working on the method, we must see the result.

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