Female viagra, last example
2015/09/07 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia
Thirteen years ago, the prestigious medical journal British Medical Journal published an article entitled: “Selling the disease: pharmaceutical industry and disease sales” (Selling sickness: the pharmaceutical industry and disease mongering). The first sentence of the article was as clear as the title: "You can get a lot of money thanks to healthy people who believe they are sick."
After the publication of the article, the same magazine published a list of no diseases, completed with the contributions of readers. Among them are aging, boredom, skins, baldness, childbirth, dissatisfaction, cellulite, anxiety for the size of the penis, pregnancy and loneliness.
Since then the list has been spreading and now the turn has come to the sexual desire of women.
The U.S. Food and Drug Department has authorized the marketing of a compound that says it increases female libido. Its commercial name is Addyi, but it is known as “Female Viagra”. Several researchers have reported that this designation is misleading because its influence has nothing to do with that of Viagra, the influence of Viagra is physical and that of Addy, psychic.
However, there are those who think that the colilla is on the path they propose to reach the goal. That is, having a pill as a solution to awaken sexual desire in women. In short, the pill is only the last example of the tendency to medicalize the names, physiological situations of women and the common vicissitudes of life.

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