San Sebastian Medical Film Festival
1986/12/01 Juandaburre, B. Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
In 1968 he began to take his first steps. Since then he has come a long way and has borne fruit. This specialized festival has a special clientele: doctors and curators. However, it also has sections dedicated to the general public, such as the one dedicated this year to the bacteriological war. In those early years the audience of the festival closed more:
These days, which in principle were closed doors, gathered only 15-20 doctors. As the audience was special, the films did not go through ministerial censorship. However, when we opened the doors a little (nurses, medical students and health workers), the films that were presented there suffered a censorship.
These are the words of Javier María Sada, secretary of the festival.

As society becomes liberalized, the audience of the festival has expanded. Although today 80% of viewers are related to occupational health (doctors, nurses, students...), there is also a wide audience interested in the subject. In addition, special cycles are offered. The aim of this festival is twofold, on the one hand to make known the latest advances and techniques to people directly related to health problems and on the other hand, to influence the whole of society on cycles of general interest.
It is important that the organizers have a wide social impact; that the festival closes and does not become exclusive:
Every year we try to organize a cycle for everyone, something that stimulates the inrerés of all people. Last year, for example, in the Basque Country the future situation of accidents and catastrophes such as the earthquake or tsunami was addressed. Two years ago we talked about the drug problem. This year has been the bacteriological war. A problem that is at the top and that affects us all. A feature film is projected on the subject, followed by the intervention of a specialist. This year, within the cycle dedicated to the bacteriological war, we have had the opportunity to see the film "Warning signal" that we consider of great interest.
The organizers are satisfied with the success achieved in the public. In a city like San Sebastian, 500-600 people see it very positive to mobilize in some way.
In addition, in order to carry out the budget of 3,000,000 pesetas of the festival they have the collaboration of various official and private institutions.
XVII International. Medical Film Festival Statistics Participating municipalities: Germany, Australia, Great Britain, Spain, United States, Euskal Herria, France, Italy, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Switzerland. Films projected: 58 short films and 4 feature films Number of participants: 579 people Monographic cycles: biological warfare and dermatology AWARDS Level A: (films on biological, medical and surgical subjects): First prize: Thrombosis performed by doctors Alejandro Palés Argullós, Juan Torrás and J.Mª Alonso. Honorable mentions: Humanism and Science in Algesiology by Dr. Ángel Zilvetti Salazar. Series of films presented by the Oncological Institute of San Sebastian. Level B: (films sponsored by pharmacological laboratories): First prize: General Optica - Produced by Domilech and directed by the doctors Minero, Carleux and Quintana. Level C: (films for health education) First prize: Directed by doctors Navigating to life María Rodríguez - Sabio and Dino Trucado. Honorable mentions: series of films presented by Dr. José Luis García de Pamplona on sex education. Katharina KomunMax Rueinländer. Series of films presented by the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie des Travailleur Salaries in Paris. |
Among the activities of the International Medical Film Festival of San Sebastian, several doctors from the Oncological Hospital of San Sebastian, doctors Carreras, Bidegain and Agirregabiria, offered a press conference. We present to you the most interesting that we have said. "We have presented several films about functional surgery of the larynx. Another film has been the use of Onkologikoa reconstructive surgery. When we first extracted a tumor, we generated a great disaster to save the life of the patient. We could not solve the mutilation we generated. The third topic we have analyzed has been the possible use of laser in oncology... ... the laser is not a panacea that solves everything. Exaggeration of the role of the laser in surgery. We were the first to have worked with laser in the larynx in Euskal Herria. We have been working for six years. I want to point out that the laser has little use in the treatment of minibition. It is another of our weapons to treat cancer. Its use is limited to an early disease. In advanced cancers has little to do... ... the CO 2 laser is useful in our specialty. We work with a microscope. We direct the laser at a distance and we do not bring our fingers or tweezers closer. Moreover, in scalpel mode it has the advantage that it can be used to make cuts. Lasers can also be carried by fiber optics. This pathway can reach the hidden cavities such as small lung bronchioles. |

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