
From fibroblasts, puppies

2009/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

From fibroblasts, puppies
01/11/2009 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Dr Qi Zhou)

Two groups of Chinese researchers, each in turn, have managed to create mouse rugs on induced pluripotent stem cells.

Since the first induced pluripotent stem cells were obtained in 2006, there has been a question in the minds of researchers: Can a complete animal develop from these cells? The team of researchers from the Beijing Zoology Institute and Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Beijing National Institute of Biological Sciences have obtained in mice.

On the one hand, induced stem cells were obtained by reprogramming fibroblast cells from mice, and on the other hand, by merging the two cells of an embryo, a tetraploid embryo was created. The tetraploid embryo develops other cells needed to develop the placenta and embryo, but not the cells that form the body of the animal. Thus, by introducing induced stem cells into these tetraploid embryos, these embryos have been applied to a mouse female, which has allowed to create carpets developed from induced pluripotent cells.

Those born were much less than those who died on the road: the first group has announced that they have achieved the birth of 27 mouse children. 22 have been extracted from the best cell line, for which 624 embryos were needed. The second group, meanwhile, established 187 embryos and only two mouse children were born.

More than one born mouse child suffered problems after birth, with high mortality and some with physical abnormalities. However, of the 27 puppies of the Beijing Zoology Institute and the Shanghai Jiao Tong University team, 12 were breeders and their descendants suffered no anomalies, according to researchers.


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